So, I realized today that my phone has reached its maximum storage for pictures. Therefore, I have to delete the hundreds of pictures I have saved on it. This is a very tough decision for me. So one way I've chosen to preserve the pictures is by uploading pictures of the hairstyle I've had in 2012 so far, and delete them off my phone. All these hairstyles (in chronological order) were done by me! Enjoy!
Twists, hair was initially semi-straightened with hot comb

Twists (front and back) and cornrows (middle); hair was initially semi-straightened with hot comb
Twists (front and back) and cornrows (middle)
Middle set of hair pulled back with clip
Braids (front) and single twists (back)
Wash-n-Go Afro
Protective styling (twists)
Freshly washed and conditioned
Twisted braids (front) and single twists (back)

See more pictures here!
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