Thursday, April 7, 2011

#54: April challenges!!!

Being the type of person that indulges challenges and is fond of adventure, I have decided to challenge myself in the month of April with two things.

#1: In commemoration of National Poetry Month, I plan to write a new poem everyday till the end of April. I am 6 days late, but I've got 24 more days in the month. This is going to be one of the most challenging things I've ever done before but I know I can do it. Writing poetry is one of my passions, and over the past few months, I've been writing some poetry and monologues. I think what's going to be more difficult for me in this challenge is finding inspiration for the poems, because I write from inspirations and can't just randomly say stuff. However, I am surrounded by so many things in life so I know I can find inspiration from those things.

#2: I came across a song challenge thing today, and I plan to do that on this blog. With the fact that my 30 Days Photo Challenge was such a success, I have decided to embark on another "Challenge" journey. I'm a huge fan of music, so this should be easy for me (hopefully).

P.S.: As much as I will like to show you all that I am going through Challenge #1, I do not want to post my original compositions on the internet. Reasons being that: (1) I like to perform my composition at least once in public before releasing them in print. (2) I do not want them retrieved by someone who uses it without giving me credit for being the poet. Plagiarism is prevalent in our society, and even I am guilty of it, but it hurts a lot when you're the writer of course.

Jennifer Lopez - On the floor

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